How to relieve headaches

We are headache specialists. Many people suffer from headaches, and while it’s common to have this problem from time to time, if it persists or you are having regular pain it is time to find a treatment option that works.

Many people are surprised to find that their headaches can be caused by numerous factors, including stiff joints in the head and neck as well as muscle imbalances. Through the proper physical therapy program, you can begin to eliminate headaches from your life and begin to feel better in no time at all.

Our Approach is Holistic and Includes:

  • Overall assessment of your body and health history
  • Information regarding any treatments you have had in the past
  • The use of multiple therapies including: myofascial release, trigger point release, joint mobilization, muscle energy techniques, strain-counter strain, craniosacral, visceral mobilization, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue massage, and craniosacral mobilization.
  • If your headaches are a result of TMJ or if you are dealing with this issue as a result of another problem, we are here to help.
"I had a severe TMJ problem that was misdiagnosed for many years. I highly recommend and thank these 2 professionals who are in the process of curing my problem. The combination of my TMJ specialist dentist and a Physical Therapy practice that specializes in TMJ treatment works for me."

– Ann , review on (TMJ)